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The Surprise

Leaf on Lake soften cCc

I love surprises!  Well…pleasant ones, anyway.

I had spent the late afternoon hours walking along the lakeshore, taking in the beauty of the natural setting.  As I strolled along the shoreline, it felt as though creation was holding its breath, in anticipation, as the wild geese moved toward the spectacle of their evening flight.

Hundreds of birds seemed to be pulled, in one accord, by an inaudible, ancient call.  Slowly.  Fluidly.  They moved, in unison, as an occasional, expectant “honk” and flap of a lone bird’s wings hinted of what was about to transpire.  Then, as if a fuse were ignited, they rose in a frenzied flurry of wings and trumpet, until the last bird was in flight.  The magnificent V formation shifted and changed in a complex choreography of synchronized perfection.  I stood silent, in awe of the spectacular primal ballet in the sky.

The lake setting is one of my favorite places to practice mindfulness.  The goal is to empty my mind of all thought clutter, in order to become fully aware of the intricate nuance of the moment.  Have you ever truly listened to silence?  It is not silent at all.  It’s a beautiful, subtle, symphony of sound, which is usually drowned out by the noise of our chaotic thoughts.

The same can be observed, if you take the time to really look at something.  There are delicate, intricate details, hidden in every living thing.  Those details are usually overlooked because our minds are so distracted by mental chaos.  But, when we let go of the thoughts and pay attention to the gift of the moment, surprising beauty is revealed and peace is experienced.

Leaf cCcAs I paused to listen to the gentle lap of the waves against the sand, a large, leathery, brown leaf, that was lying on the ground, captured my attention.  I picked it up, noticing the curves and points of its edges and the large veins that created a spine from which tiny, spidery, veins radiated.  The variation of color was randomly broken by evidence that it had served as nourishment for hungry insects.


Then came the surprise.

As I raised the leaf to meet the rays of the evening light, it was transformed into vivid orange and gold against the blue green of the water and the yellow shore.  I had not expected such a radical visual change, and I was utterly delighted by the gift of that moment.

Leaf on Lake soften cCcThat’s what happens, when we are fully invested in the present.  Ordinary things turn into extraordinary experiences.   Our minds are freed, with child-like wonder, to explore the beauty within the moment and creative response rises to meet the experience.  The pursuit of Stillness is one intentional act of surrender after another.  And when we choose to let go of those things, which keep us locked out of that sacred place, room opens up for life!

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Morning on the Prairie

It was early.   Pre dawn.

I had recently learned of the underlying cause of my long struggle with a chronic illness. It had been one of those good news/bad news things.  However, I hadn’t really grasped that, in the beginning.  Initially, it had felt as though blazing floodlights had been thrown over a darkened sports arena, temporarily blinding me with the brilliance of hope -that I finally had a decent shot of winning the big game.  But this morning, the reality of how this particular game would unfold had come into clear focus.

Toxic mold can wreak unbelievable havoc on people, who are genetically prone (which includes a whopping 25% of the population).  That was my deal.  Extreme inflammation, from exposure, had severely disrupted the part of my brain (Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis), which controls the balance of the central nervous and endocrine systems.  Disruption of the HPA is a common effect of toxic mold exposure, and when those systems become compromised, serious health consequences occur.  I had, like most people with this problem, suffered for years before uncovering the cause.  So, I had been elated to both uncover the source of trouble and also learn that the cure was simple  -avoid toxic mold exposure and then detox the circulating mycotoxins from my body.  Slam. Dunk. Score!

I had moved out of my house, which was an older home built over a damp crawl space.  The decision was painful but straightforward. When I weighed my house vs my life, it was a no-brainer.  Houses can be replaced.

But, that was only the beginning.  The more I learned, about how to truly avoid mold, the more difficult (and smaller) my world had continued to become.

I owned a house full of possessions that were now toxic to me.  And a closet full of beautiful clothes.  And priceless family heirlooms.  Antiques.  Family photo albums.  Hand scribbled notes from my toddlers.  Letters from my beloved father, whom I had recently lost.  My artwork.  A massive collection of music books and sheet music, some of which had come from my grandmother.  Most buildings, in my world, had become ‘off limits’ to me, due to their age or water damaged status, severely limiting my ability to enjoy the normal pleasures of social life.  Relationships were compromised, because it was so hard for some to understand.  I couldn’t blame them; it was hard for me to grasp the complexities.  There was not one corner, in my life, that had gone untouched by the greedy fingers of this malady.

Somehow, I had walked through the floodlights of hope into a bizarre world that I could never have imagined.  It was as if everything in my life had died, and yet somehow I had survived.

That morning, in the pre-dawn hours, the weight of the on-going difficulty bore down like an anvil.  I wanted to run from the reality, so I grabbed my keys and drove…away.

It was January, in the dead of winter.  The backlight of pre-dawn cast a gray hue across the endless, lifeless landscape.  It seemed fitting that my surroundings appeared desolate.


A picture of my life, it felt.

Tormented cries for mercy pierced the silence, as I drove across the barren landscape.  My eyes, swollen from the torrent, barely managed to remain open as the miles passed.  But then, just as the first rays of dawn burst from behind the horizon, I crested a hill.

And it took my breath away.

Beyond me lay the wide-open prairie below, bathed in purest, golden light.  A distant windmill, poised behind a perfectly azure body of water, quietly stood.   The scene was mesmerizing.  In one instant, God had cast His golden light onto a barren landscape and transformed it into the most exquisite picture of perfection.

I pulled over, drinking in the magnificence while pondering the deep meaning.  On the side of a lonely, rural, highway, Stillness spoke while I listened.

Life is gray and barren -and- it is golden with plenty.  There is not one without the other.  Elements of each are intermingled, woven in and out, under and through, like the threads of a tapestry.  Ever changing, moving toward new patterns in time, old steps will merge into new rhythms, and the gray places of void will be filled with golden opportunities.  The gray and the gold threads of circumstance are constantly, masterfully woven into the complex pattern of life  -and we can trust the process. 

My circumstance had not changed, in those moments.  The difficulties had not disappeared.  The only difference was that a new light had been cast over the landscape.  The dramatic change had presented a different perspective, helping me realize that, in the grand scheme of things, it all fit together and I would find my way through these days of difficulty, as I had done with the other challenges of my life.

On that morning, as the golden light faded into ordinary, I was left with the feeling that one day, I would stand from a distance and marvel that the interwoven threads of each challenge and victory were necessary to the whole.

And I would declare it to be a masterpiece!



To read more about my journey through mold illness, click  here

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To My Beloved II

I had been struggling, on that day.  My mother would have called it “feeling blue”.  I didn’t often experience such heaviness of heart and was confused by the tight grip the feeling had on me.  I had decided to take a walk in the timber, on our family farm, thinking the fresh air and sunshine would do me good.  The serenity of the farm has always served as soothing balm for my soul, but to my dismay, instead of pulling me up out of the sadness, each step brought tearful, bittersweet memories of my childhood days there.

I had loved to watch my grandmother roll out her famous homemade noodles in the humble, farmhouse kitchen.  The distant “Bob white” call of a quail would waft into the open kitchen window, and she would, with a wink and a grin, immediately imitate the call.  I felt safe and loved in that place, and I longed for just one more precious moment from that distant place in time.

My thoughts turned to my dad, who was struggling with Alzheimer’s disease.  So often, he would talk of his longing to “go home”.  And in some small way, on that day, I understood that his confused and troubled mind must have been yearning for the soft, healing kiss of his mother’s love.

I stopped by to visit him after my walk in the woods.  And as I often did, found myself feeling as though I were standing on the shoreline of a great black sea, desperately grasping for what was just beyond my reach.  Watching helplessly, as he drift ever. so. slowly… deeper into the heavy mists of confusion.  At some point, I knew that he would vanish forever into the uncharted darkness.  All alone.

After that long day, my heart was heavy with such grief and fear for the future.  I laid awake that night, thinking of the events of the day.  Of the bittersweet memories of the past.  Of the reality of my father’s future.

Then, I remembered seeing a package that had arrived earlier in the day.  I had ordered a couple of books from Amazon and was certain they were held in the package.  One of the books was a used, out of print, copy of an inspirational book by one of my favorite watercolor artists, Sandy Lynam Clough.  I opened the package and pulled out the little book with the lovely watercolor book sleeve.

On the inside cover, I noticed a handwritten inscription, which read:

“Susan, May your fears fade and your faith multiply!  God is there!  I love you!”  It was signed “Amy”.

Seeing God's Heart When You Hurt note

I was stunned; my mind reeling!  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  I read it over and over, trying to grasp the complexity.  What were the odds?

How many different names could have been written on the page?

How many different books could I have purchased?

How many different days could the delivery have been made?

Nothing was clearer, than in that moment.  The Healer of all hurts, the Creator of all good things, had wrapped the undeniable gift of His Heart in a small, inconspicuous, page-worn book, which was appropriately entitled,

“Seeing God’s Heart When You Hurt”

Seeing God's Heart When You Hurt

Only He, who spans all time eternal, could “imagine into being” such a poignant gift of hope!

While sharing the incredible story with a friend, I jokingly pointed out that I had been unaware of the obvious fact that God’s name must be Amy!  She then shared a tidbit of information that tied this miraculous package up with a most exquisite bow.  It seemed that the book was inscribed by Love itself, for the Hebrew translation of the name, Amy, is


Today, I am sending Love and Light to you, in your darkest times of sadness and confusion.  There is One, who is bigger than your problems, who loves you deeper than your hurt.  In the Stillness, you will find Him there.


I would love for this story to find its way to the original friends, Amy and Susan, who penned and received the encouraging note, inside the cover of the book.  

I believe this story is a beautiful picture of how complexly intertwined we are, and how a single act of compassion can far outspan the simple intent of any mere moment.  And I believe that Love always reverberates in ways that we cannot fully comprehend.

If you would be so kind…please share this story on your social media page, to help get it out there on the vast cyber-highway.  Hopefully, it will bless many along the way, and it will ultimately find its way into Susan and Amy’s home.

If it does find you (Susan or Amy), please be sure to let me know!

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Reflections of the Past

Weathered-grey walls feebly held antique glass, as rusty wire cast a honeycomb pattern from the setting sun.

As I peered into the reflection of amber and gold, my mind’s eye caught a glimpse of gingham and apron strings.

In one fluid motion, she swept wispy strands of gray hair from her eyes, and gathered the edges of her apron together, to form a makeshift egg basket.

My heart wanted to run, with child-like glee, into the soft folds of her middle, breathing deeply the unconditional love of a grandmother past.

But, as soon as the ghostly image appeared…

It, just as quickly, vanished.

I wrapped my arms tightly around the visceral image, as grateful tears welled up, threatening to spill out.

And I offered thanks.

For sweet memories of simpler days.

And for love

Which will, forever, traverse the boundaries of time.

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In the Bleak Mid Winter

In the Bleak Midwinter

Have you ever noticed how quietly snow falls?  It is as if all of nature pauses to notice, standing in silent wonderment as glistening flakes drift from the sky.

It is not lost on me, the irony, that the feathery softness of snow occurs during the harshest season.  It falls in the bleak mid winter, when “earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone”.

The same can be witnessed in life.  During our bleakest seasons, when all around us seems hard as iron and cold as ice, there can also be found the gentle wonder of Stillness.  Yet oft times, the cold, barren landscape, of a difficult experience, overshadows the tender gifts which fall around us.

Intentionally taking pause, to notice those simple gifts, will profoundly shape our experience through the difficulty, and it will also open us to possibilities that would otherwise remain unknown.

There is always beauty amidst the bleak.

We have only but to notice.

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The Old Barn, pt 2

Barn Fire

It groaned with the weight of a family’s heartbreak, amidst twisted tin and ash

Transformed from machine to monument, in the blink of an eye

It beckoned memories, which rose from smoldering embers, to sit one last time


Of long, dusty days that stretched into night

Of leather gloves, smelling of diesel and dirt, that could design perfectly symmetrical rows

Of a little girl’s delight, on a worn out knee, riding one last time into the sunset sky

Of hayrides

And brothers, who tried their fledgling wings behind the unsteady wheel

And then…

As night fell on the old and trusted friend, resolve sneaked out of the ashes

And promised to embrace -every ordinary moment- as if it were a priceless treasure


The last picture taken of The Old Barn (here) was captured three months before a fire burned it to the ground.  We all love storybook endings, but mostly, life doesn’t comply.  Thankfully, with loss comes the possibility of deeper understanding, which can direct us toward some pretty amazing redemptive power. 

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The Old Barn

The Old Barn January 2016

As I stepped into the clearing, from my stroll in the snowy timber

The old barn greeted me with its familiar form.

Gnarled limbs quietly framed the well loved structure that was built by calloused, ancestral hands.

I couldn’t help but think of the first of them, who saw this piece of ground and dreamed a dream.

With stubborn determination, love for the land, and a deep yearning to build a legacy

They toiled.




They toiled.

And all the while, the land lay silently, watching…listening

Holding, in safekeeping, the story of the family

Who dreamed

And toiled

And loved.

If one, who passes by, carefully listens

He will surely hear

The tall grasses whisper among themselves

Recounting the treasured moments

In Celebration of Heritage


The Old Barn, pt 2

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A Season of Rest

Restful Anticipation sepia frost

A Season of Rest.

We all need it. A time to soften the callouses and heal the worn-out places. Sometimes, we need to crawl deep into the core of a snowy den, in order to recharge and replenish that which fuels our best efforts and most fervent intentions. It is a natural course -after the long, exhilarating, exhausting, seasons of growth and harvest.

It is during the dream state of this winter slumber that new visions are cast and hopeful plans are drawn. And when the time is right, there is awakening to a new season, with promises of new growth and renewed life.

But, for now…
A Season of Rest.

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Welcome -edited

Welcome to A Cottage Creek Life!  I’m glad you found your way to this peaceful, little retreat, and I would love to invite you to “Come on in and sit a spell”.   Cozy into your best loved ‘quiet-place’, sip your favorite cup of ‘comfort’, and spend a few moments of tranquility with me.

This site is all about sharing encouragement and inspiration. It is my hope that, in some small way, my words and pictures will help lighten your load and embolden your steps, as you to ‘steady-on’ down the complex pathway toward your own best life.

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Thanks for taking the time to stop by…hope to see you again, real soon!

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